Sunday, June 29, 2008

Blog the life

I'd finally started blogging after procrastinating for 2 years since I commence my career in Singapore. Well, you basically learn and realize quickly that life only gets busier. The list of things to do only keeps piling up. Therefore, procastination is always not a good habit.

Let's see how's my life will be colored at different times of the day/month or year.


ysyong said...

Hehe, keep it up and let us know more about your life over there.

YS Yong

YeeJen said...

finally someone started a blog.. haha.. definitely out of my expectation :P

Yin Jie said...

inspired by Jen Jen lo.....^_^

Yin Jie said...

yongmou, when is ur turn to become a blogger?

YeeJen said...

i dun know that i'm so influential wan.. haha

To^M^my said...

Yoyo dude!! It is a good start to sharing your life story to ppl via blog. He He